For the past two years, that I’ve been to Fencon, I’ve had the good fortune to record some podcasts. In fact, I still have some that I recorded from the previous year that I have not posted (sorry guys). I have posted a few and plan on posting a few more in the near future.
I started podcasting for Conestoga, another science fiction convention, and I’ve wrapped that podcast up since I’m moving to Tucson. I was inspired by Paul Fischer of the Balticon Podcast. He provided me a lot of good advice on getting started. To replace Conestoga I created Escape from Cubicle 17. Both Conestoga and EFC17 are fan podcasts. I have interviewed artists, authors, editors, publishers, fellow fans, and even an agent.
My biggest problem is putting podcasts out on a regular basis which is the key to building an audience. I’ve listened to and compared mine to other fan based podcasts and I do a decent job. So quality isn’t an issue, nor quantity. I’ve posted 40 Conestoga podcasts and 9 EFC17 though there is some overlap between the two. I enjoy doing them. It’s a little disheartening that I don’t have more listeners, but dem’s the breaks. Once I get settled in Tucson, I’ll see what my situation is and see if I can manage my time better to continue podcasting.
Since I no longer manage the Conestoga website ( my podcasts will likely go away there. I’ve got copies of all of them and will re-upload them on the EFC17 website in a separate feed.