Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be, but first I need more coffee.

Month: August 2016

Site Cleanup

I tried and failed to update my site to WordPress 4.6. I did update it by uploading 4.6 files via FTP. It overwrote all the bad files and now the site is running again, but I noticed my admin is slow. I’ve deleted a number of outdated plugins. I’m in the process of deleting other material as well. I’ve deleted my photo pages, and once I download all the pictures I’d uploaded I’ll be deleting the gallery plugin. It’s not needed anymore. I plan to keep my archived podcasts, but I’ll see If I can reformat them in a way to not use the podcast plugin.

Why would you want to do that?

Because I can. Turns out you can change the default editor font of TinyMCE and if you so desire make it match the font seen by visitors to your website.  You create a special css file place it in your theme and then add a function to functions.php file to load it.

It’s not something that’s ever been on my radar. Much of the time I’m editing in the Text tab (so I can see the raw HTML) and whether I used the Visual tab I always used the Preview button to see what my changes were going to look like, but I can understand why someone might want to change the default font of their editor.

I always learn new stuff from client requests.

August is almost over

School has started so evertyhing around the university which we live near is more crowded. It's still hot but has cooled a bit. Still in monsoon season and it has rained a fair bit, even had some flooding. November looms large in my thoughts but I try not to think about it. It's a choice between things as they are or the end of everything. The former is not sustainable, but it does buy me more time to prepare and hope for a smoother transition to a world with less diversity in the biosphere, more freak weather, acidified oceans and higher sea levels. 

Podcasts Archive

Thanks to the new features of WordPress I don’t need to use PodPress plugin anymore. You can check them out under the Podcast parent page in the menu across the top. I do not have an active podcast. This is an archive of a two podcasts, one I did for a now defunct science fiction convention, the other was related but not not tied to any convention. They were recored between 2006 and 2009 and are there for posterity.

I need to some additional cleanup and rearrangement of this site, but I’ve made a good start.

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