Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be, but first I need more coffee.

Month: May 2009 (Page 1 of 2)


Saturday Mel and I toured Gettysburg. We hired a Licensed Battlefield Guide. He rode around with us in our car and we got our own personal tour of the battlefield. He was very knowledgeable. Pix coming soon. Maybe.

If I feel motivated enough, I’ll do a Balticon, DC, Gettysburg and wedding report when I get home.

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Went to Balticon this past weekend. Had a great time. Saw Charles Stross, Evo Terra, George Hrab, Phil Plait, John Hemry, and many others. I might up a more thorough report but don’t hold your breath.

Currently in Washingon, DC. This is my first time. Tuesday took the bus tour to get the lay of the land. It was raining so didn’t do to much walking though we did brave the rain to see Arlington Nat’l Cemetery. We walked as far as JFK’s gravesite. We also saw RFK’s grave nearby. We later went to the Museum of the American Indian. It wasn’t just about natives of the US but all of North, Central, and South America.

Today we went to the National Air and Space Museum. I don’t think I saw a more concentrated collection of important historical objects in one place: Kitty Hawk, Spirit of St. Louis, Spaceship One, Apollo 11 command module, Yaeger’s X-1, Amelia Earhart’s Trans-Atlantic plane, plus lots of other cool things. And as an added bonus, I saw the Enterprise model used in the original Star Trek series.

Later I went to the Natural History Museum and saw the Hope Diamond. It was much smaller than I was led to believe. Yeah, as diamonds go it was big but somehow was hoping it was larger.

That’s it for now.

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Hot Hot Hot

No headlines to piss you off today nor another round of tweets, though I might do that later. Things are going well, Melissa has finished most of her travel month from Hell, though both of us are off to Balticon this weekend, plus DC, and a wedding in PA.

The weather around here is now in the high nineties. Humidity is low, so as long as you stay in the shade or drink plenty of water it’s not unbearable. On Sunday it looked like storm clouds were brewing and after asking on Twitter if that was unusual for this time of year, the answer was yes. It didn’t rain, but these ominous clouds sure looked ominous:

Went to the Desert Museum again. Had to exchange a book. I took a few pictures including this screech owl.

That’s it for now.


I really like Flickr but they don’t allow you to create more than three albums unless you pay extra for it. So that’s the reason I haven’t uploaded any new photos to it. I found this really cool WordPress plugin called NextGen. I’ve installed it on my blog and I’ve uploaded two galleries. They need to be tagged and descriptions added to them, but you can check them out here:

Here are two more pictures from my visit to The Desert Museum.


I’ve been working on some WordPress websites for some clients and I’ve noticed a distinct improvement in themes since I last perused them. So I’ve decided it’s time to update my theme. Right now it’s fspring with minor mods. The picture at the top of the paper maple is mine. So don’t be surprised if the look changes from day to day and you see changes within in a theme.

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