Christopher Merle

Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be, but first I need more coffee.

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I once puked in a stocking cap. It was my first two-week deployment in the Air National Guard in 1987. We flew on a military transport to Panama. The plane had web seating benches and we faced the side of the plane and each other. I was getting airsick as the plane descended for landing. They kept the planes cold to reduce airsickness. My thoughts were totally focused on not throwing up. About five minutes before landing I knew I was going to hurl, so I took off my stocking cap and threw up in it. As it was dripping on the cabin floor, one of the other airman said, “we have barf bags.”

I carried my puke filled dripping stocking cap off the transport. Who knew they made a great strainer?

Four Corners

A few years ago we went to the Durango Celtic Festival and since we drove through the Navajo Nation to get there, we stopped at the Four Corners monument where the four corners of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah meet. Later I found out this wasn’t the actual spot where the borders met. It was a few hundred yards north or something.

One of the signs we saw was warning people not to scatter the ashes of loved ones because it was disrespectful of Navajos to do so. I also imagine if they’d allowed it, there’d be a huge pile of ashes that’d have to get swept up every so often. I could think of better places to have my ashes dispersed if I choose to be cremated. Yes, the four corners are within the boundaries of the Navajo Nation.

LiveJournal (and Dreamwidth) Import

I finally imported my LiveJournal entries into my WordPress blog. I stopped posting on LiveJournal when they changed their terms & conditions. I migrated to Dreamwidth and imported all my entries there. There might be an easy way to import from Dreamwidth, but decided to go straight to the source. I have far fewer entries on Dreamwidth, so at worst I’ll be copying them and creating them manually. I’m in the process of going through those entries and putting them in the LiveJournal category. I added Dreamwidth as a sub-category. My username on both accounts was entp2007, so that’s my tag.

I’ll try to fix missing pictures and videos in those posts.

Bloody Hell

So you hear that English use the word ‘bloody’ as an expletive all the time. I just learned the German word blöde which translates as stupid. It sounds a bit like the English bloody and is similar in meaning. It’s an intensifier in German but not as intense as it is in British English. Americans don’t use the word bloody the way the Brits do.

Wikipedia tries to explain:

I think it’s time to look up the etymology of the word blood to see if their is a connection. I’ll leave that as a homework assignment as I’m too tired to continue expositing on the words. I just happened to notice the similarity.


From The Ruins of the Dresden Library

I did not know that Albinoni’s Adagio was allegedly based on a fragment from the Dresden Library. I’d been a fan of this piece ever since I heard it used in the original Rollerball (1975) with James Caan. The composer Remo Giozatto used it to make the actual composition. He never produced the fragment to prove his claim.

The piece of music is fitting for the city of Dresden as it was firebombed by the Allies at the end of WWII. It was a war crime, and no one was ever brought to justice for it. Kurt Vonnegut was a prisoner of war in Dresden when it was bombed. He wrote about it in his novel Slaughterhouse Five and A Man Without a Country.

U.S. students bring Kurt Vonnegut back to Dresden for firebombing anniversary

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