Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be, but first I need more coffee.

Year: 2011 (Page 4 of 6)


 I wish I could say I was happy about this evening’s news. It is historic. I take no joy in it because the US will not bring the troops home from Afghanistan, will not close Guantanamo, will not dismantle Homeland Security, and will not dismantle the TSA. Just think of all the bloodshed that could have been avoided (not to mention the trillions of dollars spent) if Charlie Wilson got a few million dollars to build schools in Afghanistan after the Soviets were driven out.

Tchooka tchooka tchooka. Kerchunk

I just read that the last typewriter factory shutdown. It was in India. It’s been many years, probably more than a decade since I’d last used a typewriter, manual or electric. I even had an electric typewriter in the 80’s. There was a point in the 90’s when I’d gone completely over to computers for all my typing needs and wanted to give a typewriter a try again. For old time’s sake.

The first thing I noticed wasn’t the speed. It was slower, but the hard return. You are typing along and then you reach the end of the line and you have to hit the return. There is a noticeable delay. It wasn’t anything I’d noticed before. With computers you just keep on typing and it wraps automatically. No delay. On my first Macintosh I installed Underwood typewriter sounds so the keystrokes sounded like a typewriter. It was amusing for a few minutes.

My mother had a manual typewriter and if you typed too fast, the keys would bunch up and you’d have to pry them loose one by one until the clump fell apart and the remaining keys fell back. 

Like so many other eras that have ended few will mourn it’s passing or noticed that had even come to an end.

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