Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be, but first I need more coffee.

Year: 2008 (Page 5 of 18)

Twitterize Me

I’m not going to give a complete list of social web tools that I’m using, but I have this blog, a Livejournal account, Facebook, Twitter, and for IM I use Trillian to aggregate ICQ, AOL IM, and Yahoo! Messenger. Not to mention LinkedIn, and a few other websites I subscribe to.

There are a number of Twitter applications so I don’t have to use the website, but I thought wouldn’t it be great if I could use Trillian to manage my Twitter posts. So far no luck, but Pidgin (formerly Gaim), does have a plugin for Twitter. I’ve used Pidgin under Ubuntu. I took a look at Pidgin and it supports far more chat protocols than Trillian does. So I’ll be switching to it in short order, though I need to do a little more research. Besides supporting Twitter it also supports IRC. Something that I ought to be using more.


Twitter & Pidgin

Character counting plugin for Pidgin

And gay marriage hurts us how?

I just watched this narrated slideshow about forced marriages in Afghanistan. The photojournalist discussed how these women were immolating themselves to get out of bad marriages. Some of them survive. WARNING! Some of these pictures are graphic (NSFW).

So how does this help the institution of marriage? The traditional marriage between a man and a child bride. You might say, well, they are backwards and violent. The Mormon mindset which is not so far removed from these Afghans are the ones who funded Proposition 8. How many times have we seen in the news about a Mormon being arrested for having multiple wives? Some of these brides aren’t even old enough to drive.

There is a reason why we have separation of church and state. Marriage is a religious concept that has devolved into a secular one. The state has no business defining marriage. It can and does recognize them, but it should recognize them for what they are, a committed economic partnership between two individuals, not as between a man and a women to be treated as chattel and whose sole purpose in life is to be a baby factory.

50 Barack Facts You Might Not Know

Check them out. The ones I found most interesting were:

  • He collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics
  • He has read every Harry Potter book
  • His favourite films are Casablanca and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
  • He hates the youth trend for trousers which sag beneath the backside
  • He repaid his student loan only four years ago after signing his book deal
  • He has said many of his friends in Indonesia were “street urchins”

Oh, and check out Rahm Emanuel facts. Unlike Chuck Norris facts. Rahm’s are 100% true. Including:

After the 2006 midterm elections, Rahm Emanuel jumped on a table and said the Republican Party “can go fuck themselves”

I’m not quite ready to say that, but if they don’t give Obama a chance and work with the Democrats in the first 90 days of his presidency, I’ll be ready to say utter those words.

Book Meme

Got this via Planet Python. This is yet another stupid meme, that is amusing/interesting enough for me to follow blindly and do.

  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open it to page 56.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
  5. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

So I pick up The NPR Curious Listener’s Guide to Celtic Music by Fiona Ritchie. I didn’t even have to get up. It was sitting on the end table. Anyway, I was hoping it’d be the fifth line because the page starts with a end of a sentence. So, I started with the first complete sentence on the page. Here’s the sentence:

Ever developing on the bows and strings of musical people, the settlers’ dance tunes spurred the old-time fiddle and banjo music of the South, bluegrass, and rockabilly.

But if it were the fifth line it would be:

of the region, you may well argue to the contrary.

I like that better, so I’m changing rule 3 to: Find the fifth line. And I’m going to modify the second rule to: Open it to a random page. Here are the modified meme rules:

  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open it to page 56.
  3. Find the fifth line.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
  5. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
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