Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be, but first I need more coffee.

Month: October 2008 (Page 5 of 5)

Fen Con V

Just got back from Fen Con V. Had a great time. It’s a very well run convention. This is the third one I’ve been too. Saw a lot of people there that were at Denvention (WorldCon). The Brobdingnagian Bards performed at the con for the last time. Alas, Marc and Andrew are going their separate ways. They have one more performance in Austin. I look forward to seeing how their individual careers progress. Got to see Greg Benford, Jay Lake, and Brad Denton. Also got to see Caroline Spector, The Three Weird Sisters, TM Wagner, Gerald Burton, and David Lee Anderson. Alas Howard Waldrop was not able to attend. He was doing better but the doctors advised against him traveling just yet.

Fen Con has one of the best hotels for holding a convention, Crowne Plaza in Addison, TX. I really liked the way the meeting space was laid out. There were a lot of room parties. I think it would have been nice to consolidate the room parties in one or two of the hotel wings rather than spreading them all out over the floor. It’s the second year at the hotel and it’ll be there next year.

Tulsa fandom was well represented. Saw Curtis & Marylin; Richard & Lynn; Fran, Randy and his wife. There might have been others but didn’t know they were from Tulsa. Mel & I plan on returning for Fen Con VI. Lois McMaster Bujold will be Guest of Honor. It was Mel’s first time to Fen Con. She had a great time too. In fact we liked it so much we are going to adopt it as our home con.

What I Did In The Second Grade

So Sarah Palin has been listening to Joe Biden’s speeches since the second grade. That would have been 1972, the first year Biden was elected to the Senate. In 1972, I might have known three politicians: Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew and Jim Jones (only because one of my class-mates dads worked for Tulsa’s representative at the time). And for a second grader that was pretty darn good. I know in the second grade I was more concerned about going to recess than listening to a politician.

I think Sarah was using hyperbole and implying she’s been paying attention to Biden for a very long time though not as far back as second grade. I can’t remember when I first became aware of Biden’s existence but it was probably sometime in the 1990’s. Another likely possibility is that she doesn’t give a flip about Joe Biden and just said what sounded like a good sound byte.

It’s interesting to watch how Sarah answers questions. She’s not giving meaningful answers to the questioner. She’s giving non answers that plays to her base. She says it the way she wants them to hear. And they can howl with outrage at how mean the “Liberal” media was to her. For playing to the ultrareligious neocon base, Palin was a good selection made for John McCain.

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