Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be, but first I need more coffee.

Year: 2013 (Page 2 of 4)


Not so long ago in a city not so far away I started two podcasts, The Conestoga Podcast and the Escape from Cubicle 17 Podcast. The former was for the now defunct Conestoga convention held in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The other was not tied to any convention, but it was more or less the same format. I would interview authors, artists, editors, and fans. In all I did 52 episodes. If you go to the Podcasts page, you’ll see more information about them.

I’m doing this because I’ll be attending LoneStarCon 3, the 2013 WorldCon, in San Antonio, Texas. Chances are I’ll run into some of the people I interviewed. As both sftulsa.org and escapefromcubicle17.com domains are now defunct, this is the only place the podcasts are preserved. I’ve restored all the Cubicle casts, but not all of the Conestoga casts, but I am working on them.

Nothing to Report

Well, I do have a Raspberry Pi now. Got it at PyCon 2013. Took a bit of effort to get it on the Wifi but that’s all over now and it works great. Need to play with it some more, and figure out what to do with it.

Goodbye Montana

Well, just spent the last three weeks in Montana on Lake Flathead. The view changed every day. This is a panoramic shot in the predawn hour today (I used AutoStitch so there’s there is some distortion). We got to go up to Glacier National Park and Waterton.

Lake Flathead

A few of the highlights besides the magnificent Glacier National Park and driving the Going to the Sun Road: Glacier Distilling, East Shore Smoke House (ate there four times, I can recommend the sweet potato fries, the Buffalo Burger and the Wild Sockeye sandwich, not to mention their excellent Montana beer selection), Richwine’s Burgerville in Polson, MT (an old style mom and pop burger joint with good burgers, huckleberry shakes and frozen huckleberry lemonade), and high tea at the Prince of Wales Hotel overlooking Waterton Valley (I think the high was from the price) When you drive to GNP go up the east side of the lake, it’s much more scenic than the west side. We didn’t get to see much in the way of wildlife. Saw a few deer, plenty of birds, and some bison at a distance on the National Bison Range. No bears, black or grizzly, no moose, no mountain sheep :-(.

My only minor regret is NOT playing on the 9 hole golf course at Salish Kootenai College in Pablo. BTW SKC is a very nice tribal college. It functions as a community college, so enrollment isn’t limited to just tribal members.

Physics Humor

1. A neutron walks into a bar and asks “how much for a beer?”

The bartender says, “for you? no charge.”

2. Two atoms are walking down the street together. The first atom turns and says, “Hey, you just stole an electron from me!”

“Are you sure?” asks the second atom.

To which the first atom replies, “Yeah, I’m positive!”

3. Q: Why don’t anions have many friends?

A: They’re negative.

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